I Love my Lavie🤩🤩🤩
Handbags and purses are very important accessories for women. Most of us carry purses and bags for their utility value. Brand consciousness and brand identity are usually secondary for ordinary Indian women. Most brands are expensive and do not meet our requirements. Most of us look for bags into which we can fit in just about everything under the sun. The same goes for purses also. These are indispensable objects for most women. I, for one, am not very brand conscious. But my personal experience with the Lavie handbag made me want to share this piece. This is not intended as a marketing piece or a brand support piece. This is recommendation of a brand that has really delivered the service that we paid for it and it has not disappointed us.
I swear by the Lavie handbag that my husband bought for me four years ago. We bought it from an upscale mall in Trivandrum and I was skeptical about its durability and its lasting potential. But I am happy to say that my doubts have been proved wrong by this bag that has belied my expectations, and continues to be my faithful companion; despite all the wear and tear and torture that I have inflicted upon it, over the years.
Lavie is an Indian brand and was launched in 2010. Lavie has quickly become a popular buy on the Indian consumer horizon. Its versatility and elegant sturdiness make it a worthy purchase. I write on the basis of my personal experience, and my bag, is an example of never wilting under pressure- a quality that is a necessity in today’s world.
I have always had a fascination for large and capacious bags because I have a five hour commute every day, to and from my workplace. So my bag has to act as a storage facility for two tiffin boxes- one for breakfast and the other for lunch. I also carry two water bottles because I drink up plenty of water. Then, another indispensable object for most Indian women who travel by public transport- the versatile umbrella to ward off the rain, the sun, dogs and any unwanted intrusion into personal physical space. Then my smart phone, its charger, headphone, laptop, if I can squeeze it in and bear its burden on any given day and finally, my bulky purse. So you see, my bag or the bag of most ordinary Indian women packs quite a punch and we need sturdy, all-weather stuff that we are not compelled to change every few months.
My Lavie bag has stood the test of time. Until today I have never had the handles come off when the stitching comes undone. The outer skin of the bag hasn’t peeled off. The cloth inside the bag hasn’t got torn or developed slits through which things usually escape into the dark underbelly of the bag, and remain lost forever. I have never been embarrassed by my bag spilling its entrails on the floor of the bus or near the train toilet. Thus far, I have never had to go down on all fours and start hunting for coins or pens or the small stuff rolling away under people’s feet and under the seats. So, thank you Lavie for making a truly wonderful bag for women on the move, like me. I love you Lavie.
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